Soldering Fume Extractor Manufacturers in Bangalore By Powertech


When it comes to industrial process, the major challenge is the risk involved. From fumes to the polluted environment, every day the workers are exposed to a massive threat. This is particularly true for high temperature processes like soldering. At Powertech Pollution Control solutions, the expert engineers understand the plight of the business owners conducting such processes on a daily basis and offer an excellent solution to the problem in the form of the Soldering Fume Extractor Manufacturers. The state of the art device developed by the company is in accordance to the international standards and therefore meets the requirements of the industry process with perfection.
Soldering is a pivotal process for various manufacturing units. However, the process comes with its fair share of risks. The long term effects of exposure to soldering fumes are known to be life-threatening. So far, there have been various researches that establish the risk of problems like allergies, Asthma, and respiratory diseases. Such problems obviously affect the health of the employees and ultimately hinders their productivity as well. These dangers involved make it mandatory for companies to invest in soldering fume extractor manufacturers to safeguard the health of their workers.

What does a Soldering Fume Extractor do?

Before we try to answer the above question, you need to understand the process of soldering. To start with, soldering is a process where the heat exchange often leads to pollution getting transferred to the air. While at a small scale level, this may not make a big difference but when it comes to the big picture, this pollution can cause major health issues for your workers. As a responsible employer, it is your duty to identify such risks and even negate them. The unique design of the device ensures that it is able to meet the varied needs of manufacturing units. The extractors are able to absorb almost 100% harmful particles and fumes. This in turn allows you to facilitate the working of your workers in a fresh and clean environment. Additionally, the good working environment automatically increases productivity.

Soldering Fume Extractor Manufacturers

The Device Detail

Fitted with an electrostatic filter and a fan, the device comes with a semi-rigid pipe that performs the task of sucking harmful elements or fumes. As of now, these extractors is capable of extracting soldering fumes from at the distance of 8 to 10 inches. There is a high-voltage Electrostatic Precipitator type filter that can suck particles of the size of a submicron. The aluminum plates fitted in the filters are washable.



powertechpollutioncontrols PvtLtd,Bangalore
powertechpollutioncontrols PvtLtd,Bangalore

Written by powertechpollutioncontrols PvtLtd,Bangalore


Welding Fume Extractor Manufacturers by Powertech pollution with the support of electrostatic filters collects 99.9%

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