Soldering Fume Extractor Manufacturers in Bangalore

The Powertech Pollution control is the leading Soldering Fume Extractor Manufacturers in the country. It provides the best extractors which can eliminate soldering fume from the workplace.

Soldering Fume extractor manufacturers

The fumes that get released in the process are suspended in the air. It contains fine dust particles which get settled on the machine once it cools down. This affects the health of the machine and also of the employees who are exposed to them incessantly. Measures have to be taken by the industrial and manufacturing sectors to handle fumes released due to the soldering process and safeguard the health of employees and machines. Powertech Pollution Controls have manufactured Soldering Fume Extractors which can effectually absorb the fume from the workplace and ensure the wellbeing of the workforce and the equipment.

For more information contact us at 8023452156

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powertechpollutioncontrols PvtLtd,Bangalore
powertechpollutioncontrols PvtLtd,Bangalore

Written by powertechpollutioncontrols PvtLtd,Bangalore


Welding Fume Extractor Manufacturers by Powertech pollution with the support of electrostatic filters collects 99.9%

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